Born and formed in bedrock Pennsylvania.  Football forged in later years in Delaware.  We'll still take him. Joe Biden is best bet of what's offered.  Make a difference. Vote early so "inner sanctum" media and money and "games" can't swing Sanders.  Big Thanks Mr. Clyburn!

Our “PICKS” for the Democratic side of things; in order:

1. JOE "BEST BET" BIDEN  -  Nepotism, patronage and "connected" is as old as American politics.  Hell, world politics. Trump’s enriching/empowering his whole EXTENDED family! Boy-faced Jared’s buying stuff all over America—and running stuff he should not even be in the room on. 

*C'mon Clyburn... announce already!  

Pelosi tried to save Biden by holding off on chasing Trump into his briar patch.  But young progressive political newbies insisted.  MISTAKE. 

Trump is one of those Nietzsche guys who believes that “that which does not destroy me only makes me stronger”—so far, so good.  But in Trump’s case, some would say “that which does not destroy him only make him CRAZIER!”. Possibly not so “GREAT” for America—and the World.  This fella might wake up, look in the mirror, smooth his hair—and decide it’s time to end the World! ( least for the folks in "shit-hole" places--or those who did not "measure up")

*In all fairness, however, it must be acknowledged that in an arena where many play "balance of advantage" and are prone to "situational ethics"--Trump has addressed some things that needed to be addressed straight on and with no apologies or half-steppin'.

That said… Biden is an experienced political “insider-regular”.  He would, hopefully,  be a serviceable bridge to the very different future America seems to be on the road toward.  

Joe says he did nothing "illegal".  We believe him.

2. ELIZABETH WARREN - The most “sincere/well intentioned”(*careful that temper/frustration, per Bloomberg--you're better than that).  Even with her determination to do the impossible(borderline unreasonable…at least as presented)), INITIALLY—she’s still the most “reasonable good-for-America” candidate.  Ms. Warren’s made adjustments.  She’s the most real of the group. Warren would be a genuine “human-centric” president. A former teacher with deep American roots, she’d serve for the good of most as best she was capable. 

3. PETE BUTTIGIEG -  Tough sell in a lot of places.  Smart.  Clever.  But… lotta folks just can’t quite get there.  From our perspective, his mess with Black folks in Indiana makes him a big question-mark.  Still--he's best of the rest.

4. TOM STEYER -  Even though will never happen--mention of reparations and acknowledgement in a very big way of the kidnapping and forced free labor for Black Americans over 400 years ago...hey--matters here. However:  Steyer made a big chunk of his money in stuff he’s now, “fashionably” dumping on and disowning.  Better use of his time and MONEY might be to work in the private sector to right stuff he’s a culprit for…and STILL contribute to Truth of Native Black Americans contributing in every way to "America" for OVER 400 years. 

5. AMY KLOBUCHAR - A brush-over, blind eye to cops killin' folks? And would someone please explain to this woman that no one can save college money in a glass jar, today... happy for her father--but college cost/debt ain't a glass jar proposition anymore...


BERNIE SANDERS - We call him “Bernie the Big Bull-shitter” around here.  He seldom answers a question straight out.  His little slips here and there hint at his low-regard for “some” folks (“like regular people...”)—make him a big “Hope Not”, for us. 'Could see ol' Bernie and Trump burnin' down Rome together while insisting it's the best way to get rid of the rodent problem--especially with Nero providing "best ever" music on the fiddle. 

Someone cracked us up with the comment that "Bernie Sanders feels like the political version of Bernie Madoff!"  


MIKE BLOOMBERG - Surely you’re joking.  Any of the Negroes up on this cat have got to be either losing their cotton-picking minds—or makin’ some bank from catchin’ him needy(good luck).  ‘Talk about demonstrating holes in the American political process of picking leaders.  George Wallace was more sincere than this guy.  SERIOUSLY— his “regrets”?  Talk to somma them folks got jacked up and dissed for jus’ walkin’ down the street with some "color" and/or “style”. Or some of the women he "verbal-Harveyed".  As my Grandmother said “money don’t cover ugly”. 

RHETORICAL QUESTION:  Blagojevich vs Bloomberg.  Is there any common ground between trying to sell a political office and trying to buy one?  

GREAT TO SEE 'EM THROW IN at least a few of their "visible" towels.  Okay, Bloomy--you can go back to makin' your money---now you know "money" can't buy everything when a good chunk of  "regular Americans" are payin' attention.
Is Bloomberg, with all his money, staying in the race to help Bernie if he can't buy the Presisdency for himself?


BERNIE SANDERS - We call him “Bernie the Big Bull-shitter” around here.  He seldom answers a question straight out.  His little slips here and there hint at his low-regard for “some” folks (“like regular people...”)—make him a big “Hope Not” for us.

Someone cracked us up with the comment that "Bernie Sanders feels like the political version of Bernie Madoff!"   


MIKE BLOOMBERG - Surely you’re joking.  Any of the Negroes up on this cat have got to be either losing their cotton-picking minds—or makin’ some bank from catchin’ him needy(good luck).  ‘Talk about demonstrating holes in the American political process of picking leaders.  George Wallace was more sincere than this guy.  SERIOUSLY— his “regrets”?  Talk to somma them folks got jacked up and dissed for jus’ walkin’ down the street with some "color" and/or “style”. Or some of the women he "verbal-Harveyed". 

RHETORICAL QUESTION:  Blagojevich vs Bloomberg.  Is there any common ground between trying to sell a political office and trying to buy one?



BERNIE SANDERS - We call him “Bernie the Big Bull-shitter” around here.  He seldom answers a question straight out.  His little slips here and there hint at his low-regard for “some” folks (“like regular people...”)—make him a big “Hope Not” for us.

Someone cracked us up with the comment that "Bernie Sanders feels like the political version of Bernie Madoff!"   


MIKE BLOOMBERG - Surely you’re joking.  Any of the Negroes up on this cat have got to be either losing their cotton-picking minds—or makin’ some bank from catchin’ him needy(good luck).  ‘Talk about demonstrating holes in the American political process of picking leaders.  George Wallace was more sincere than this guy.  SERIOUSLY— his “regrets”?  Talk to somma them folks got jacked up and dissed for jus’ walkin’ down the street with some "color" and/or “style”. Or some of the women he "verbal-Harveyed". 

RHETORICAL QUESTION:  Blagojevich vs Bloomberg.  Is there any common ground between trying to sell a political office and trying to buy one?